- Internationales Kapitalmarktrecht und Wertpapieraufsichtsrecht
- Verbriefungen und Strukturierte Finanzierung, Derivate
- Internationales Bankrecht
- Versicherungsrecht
- Gesellschaftsrecht
- Aufsichtsrecht
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Ausbildung und beruflicher Werdegang
- Rechtsanwalt, zugelassen in Deutschland (2006) und beim Barreau de Luxembourg (2010)
- Avocat à la Cour
- Studium an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin und an der Università degli Studi di Padova (Italien)
- Master of Laws (LL.M. eur) am Europa-Institut Saarbrücken
- Langjährige Tätigkeit im Bereich internationales Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht in einer führenden unabhängigen Kanzlei in Luxemburg sowie in einer internationalen Großkanzlei in Luxemburg und London
- Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Italienisch
- Luxembourg Banking Law Lawyers Association (ALJB)
- Chinesisch-Luxemburgische Handelskammer (CHINALUX)
- Deutsch-Luxemburgische Wirtschaftsinitiative (DLWI)
- Ehemaligenvereinigung des Europa-Instituts (EVER)
- Heinzmann, A., Scollo, V. and Kaalikoski, J. (2023). Luxembourg. The International Comparative Legal Guide to Derivatives, 4th ed. London: Global Legal Group, Chapter 12, pp. 77-82.
- Heinzmann, A. and Schramm, K. (2021). Luxembourg. The International Comparative Legal Guide to Securitisation, 16th ed. London: Global Legal Group, pp. 209-225.
- Heinzmann, A., Fernandez, M. (2023). Luxembourg. Securities Litigation. London: Lexology Getting the Deal Through, pp. 5-19.
- Heinzmann, A., Scollo, V. and Kaalikoski, J. (2023). Luxembourg. The Chambers Global Practice Guide – Fintech 2023. Chambers and Partners, pp. 4-24.
- Heinzmann, A., Fernandez, M., Scollo, V. and Naziroglou, C. (2023). Hierarchy of Banks’ Liabilities. GSK Update. Available at: https://www.gsk-lux.com/en/hierarchy-of-banks-liabilities/
- Heinzmann, A., Scollo, V. and Kaalikoski, J. (2023). DLT Pilot Regime and Blockchain III Law. GSK Update. Available at: https://www.gsk-lux.com/en/dlt-pilot-regime-and-blockchain-iii-law/
- Heinzmann, A., Mahamoud, H. and Daniel, M. (2023). Luxembourg: Global Legal Insights to Banking Laws and Regulation, 10th ed. London: Global Legal Group, pp. 149-164.
- Heinzmann, A., Fernandez, M., Scollo, V., Mahamoud, H. and Naziroglou, C. (2023). Luxembourg. The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guide – Luxembourg: Securitisation, 4th. ed. London: Legalease Ltd.
- Heinzmann, A., Mahamoud, H. and Daniel, M. (2023). Luxembourg: The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guide – Luxembourg: Banking & Finance, 6th ed.: London: Legalease Ltd.
- Heinzmann, A., Fernandez, M., Scollo, V. and Schramm, K. (2023). Luxembourg: Securitisation. Chambers Global Practice Guide – Securitisation 2023. London: Chambers and Partners.
- Heinzmann, A. and Mahamoud, M. (2022). Luxembourg: The Chambers Global Practice Guide – Banking & Finance 2022. London: Chambers and Partners, pp. 4-25.
- Heinzmann, A., Fernandez, M., Scollo, V. and Mahamoud, M. (2022). Luxembourg: IFLR Capital Markets Special Focus 2022. September 29, 2022. IFLR website.
- Heinzmann, A. (2022). Luxembourg: The Securitisation & Structured Finance Handbook 2023, 13th ed. Colchester: Capital Markets Intelligence, pp. 1-5.
- Heinzmann, A. and Scollo, V. (2022). CAA Circular 22/15: What is new for the governance of insurance and reinsurance companies. GSK Update. Available at: https://www.gsk-lux.com/en/caa-circular-22-15-what-is-new-for-the-governance-of-insurance-and-reinsurance-companies/
- Heinzmann, A., Scollo, V. and Kaalikoski, J. (2022). Luxembourg: The International Comparative Legal Guide to Derivatives. 3th ed. London: Global Legal Group, pp. 84-89.
- Heinzmann, A. and Schramm, K. (2022). Comparative Legal Guide to Securitisation, 15th ed., London: Global Legal Group, pp. 219-235.
- Heinzmann, A., Scollo, V. and Kaalikoski, J. (2022). Luxembourg: Law & Practice. The Chambers Global Practice Guide – Fintech 2022. London: Chambers and Partners, pp. 4-22.
- Heinzmann, A. (2022). Mehr Rechtssicherheit auf dem Verbriefungsmarkt. Börsen-Zeitung, 26.03.2022, Nr. 60, Seite 9.
- Heinzmann, A. and Mahamoud, M. (2022). Global Legal Insights to: Banking Laws and Regulation | Luxembourg, 9th ed. London: Global Legal Group, pp. 144-158.
- Heinzmann, A. and Fernandez, M. (2022) Luxembourg. The cross-border comparative report Securities Litigation, London: Lexology Getting the Deal Through.
- Heinzmann, A. and Mahamoud, M. (2022). The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guides – Luxembourg: Banking & Finance, 5th ed., London: Legalease Ltd.
- Heinzmann, A., Scollo, V., Fernandez, M. and Mahamoud, H. (2022). The Legal 500 Comparative Legal Guide – Luxembourg: Securitisation, 3rd ed., London: Legalease Ltd, pp. 2-13.
- Heinzmann, A. (2022). Luxembourg: L’approche collective est une force: Paperjam – Finance & Légal, February 2022, p. 18.
- Heinzmann, A., Scollo, V., Fernandez, M. and Kaalikoski, J. (2022). Update of the Luxembourg Securitisation Law: Increased Flexibility and Legal Certainty. GSK Update. Available at: https://www.gsk-lux.com/en/update-of-the-luxembourg-securitisation-law-increased-flexibility-and-legal-certainty/
- Heinzmann, A., Scollo, V., Fernandez, M. and Schramm, K. (2022). GSK Stockmann contributed to the publication of the Chambers Global Practice Guide – Securitisation 2022. London: Legalease Ltd., pp. 2-8
- Heinzmann, A. and Mahamoud, H. (2021). Luxembourg: Law & Practice. The Chambers Global Practice Guide – Banking & Finance 2021. London: Chambers and Partners, pp. 3-21.
- Heinzmann, A. (2021). Securitisation in Luxembourg – an established market in Europe looking towards further flexibility . Securitisation & Structured Finance Handbook 2022, 12th ed. Colchester: Capital Markets Intelligence, Chapter 6, pp. 33-37.
- Heinzmann, A. and Scollo, V. (2021). Luxembourg. The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Derivative, 2nd ed. London: Global Legal Group, Chapter 14, pp. 85-90.
- Heinzmann, A. and Schramm, K. (2021). The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Securitisation, 14th ed. London: Global Legal Group, pp. 206-222.
- Heinzmann, A. and Fernandez, M. (2021). Luxembourg: The cross-border comparative report Securities Litigation 2021, 7th ed. London: Lexology, pp. 39-45.
- Heinzmann, A., Scollo, V. and Carraretto, A. (2021). Blockchain II Law: Another step forward for the digitalization of EU capital markets. GSK Update. Available at: https://www.gsk-lux.com/en/blockchain-ii-law-another-step-forward-for-the-digitalization-of-eu-capital-markets/
- Heinzmann, A. and Mahamoud, H. (2021). Global Legal Insights to: Banking Regulation 2021, 8th ed. London: Global Legal Group, pp. 120-133.
- Heinzmann, A., Fernandez, M., Scollo, V. (2021). Luxembourg: Securitisation. The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guide, 2nd ed. London: Legalease.
- Heinzmann, A., Fernandez, M., Scollo, V. and Schramm, K. (2021). Luxembourg: Securitisation. Chambers Global Practice Guide – Securitisation 2021, 1st ed. London: Chambers and Partners.
- Heinzmann, A. and Scollo, V. (2020). New Professional Payment Guarantee. GSK Update. Available at: https://www.gsk-lux.com/en/new-professional-payment-guarantee/
- Peter, M., Heinzmann, A., Mössner, P., Ostertag, M., Bartnik, M., Fernandez, M., Scollo, V. (2020). Luxembourg: From start-up to establishment: Paperjam Plus – Tax & Legal, January 2021, pp. 26-27.
- Heinzmann, A. (2020). Securitisation in Luxembourg: A vibrant market with a flexible toolbox. . Securitisation & Structured Finance Handbook, 11th ed. Colchester: Capital Markets Intelligence, pp. 27-30.
- Heinzmann, A. and Scollo, V. (2020). Luxembourg. International Comparative Legal Guide to Derivatives. London: Global Legal Group, pp. 101-106.
- Heinzmann, A. and Schramm, K. (2020). International Comparative Legal Guide to Securitisation, 13th ed. London: Global Legal Group, pp. 196-211.
- Heinzmann, A. (2020). Green Bonds: Finanzinstrumente von morgen? GoingPublic Magazin: Special „Corporate Finance Recht 2020“, pp. 56-57.
- Heinzmann, A., Scollo, V. and Fernandez, M. (2020). Luxembourg: Securitisation. The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guide, 1st ed. London: Legalease.
- Heinzmann, A. and Scollo, V. (2019). Luxembourg passes law allowing the use of blockchain in the issuance and circulation of securities. GSK Update. Available at: https://www.gsk-lux.com/en/gsk-update-luxembourg-passes-law-allowing-the-use-of-blockchain-in-the-issuance-and-circulation-of-securities/
- Newsletter Heinzmann, A. Mössner, P., Lindner, A. and Scollo, V. (2019). The new prospectus regime – Key changes for Luxembourg. GSK Update. Available at: https://www.gsk-lux.com/en/gsk-update-the-new-prospectus-regime-key-changes-for-luxembourg/
- Heinzmann, A. and Scollo, V. (2019). Concluding Remarks. In: F. Fabbrini and M. Ventoruzzo, eds. Research Handbook on EU Economic Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 536-539.
- Heinzmann, A. and Mahamoud, H. (2019). International Comparative Legal Guide to Securitisation, 12th ed. London: global legal group, pp. 236-251.
- Peter, M., Heinzmann, A., Mössner, P., Ostertag, M. and Bolch, A. (2019). Encouraging a start-up mentality in law. Paperjam: Business zu Lëtzebuerg, pp. 6-7.
- Heinzmann, A. Mössner, P., Scollo, V. and Papagiannidi, C. (2018). GSK Update: CSSF Warnings on ICOs and Virtual Currencies. GSK Update. Available at: https://www.gsk-lux.com/en/gsk-update-cssf-warnings-on-icos-and-virtual-currencies-2/
- Heinzmann, A. and Scollo, V. (2018). Luxembourg. International Comparative Legal Guide to Securitisation, 11th ed. London: global legal group, pp. 232-246.
- Heinzmann, A. (2018). Topadresse für Verbriefungstransaktionen. Börsen-Zeitung (09.10.2018), Nr. 193, S. B7.
- Peter, M. and Heinzmann, A. (2018). Building bridges to China. Andy: A. Luxembourg: China #3, 360Crossmedia.
- Heinzmann, A. and Scollo, V. (2017). Getting Credit Legal Rights in Luxembourg: Equal Opportunity for All. Doing Business 2017. 14th ed. Washington, DC: World Bank Group.