Practice Areas
- Dispute resolution: national and international arbitration and litigation
- Alternative dispute resolution: mediation, arbitration, adjudication
- Banking and financial services disputes focusing in particular on providing advice to banks, financial service providers and funds
- Corporate litigation
- International trade, contract law
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Education and Professional Experience
- Lawyer at GSK Stockmann since 2014
- Lecturer at the Hamburg School of Business Administration
- Lawyer at a boutique law firm specialising in international commercial law from 2010 to 2014
- Admitted to practise law in Germany (2010)
- Doctorate (Dr. jur.) in 2010
- Trainee lawyer with a major international law firm in Hamburg and San Francisco
- Studies at the University of Hamburg
- English, German
- Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit (DIS)
- Deutschen Initiative junger Schiedsrechtler (DIS40)
- German Maritime Arbitration Association e.V. (GMAA)
- Young Arbitrators Forum (YAF) of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
- Swiss Arbitration Association (ASA)
- Hamburg Arbitration Circle e.V. (HAC)
- International Association of Young Lawyers (AIJA)
- Ranking “Germany’s Best Lawyers” in the areas of “Arbitration, Dispute Resolution and Mediation” (Handelsblatt and Best Lawyers in Germany 2024)
- Ranking “Germany’s Best Lawyers” in the areas of “Arbitration & Mediation and Litigation” (Handelsblatt and Best Lawyers in Germany 2022-2023)
- Ranking “Germany’s Best Lawyers” in the areas of “Arbitration & Mediation, Litigation and Dispute Resolution” (Handelsblatt and Best Lawyers in Germany 2021)
- Jonetzki, Antonius / Wilkens, Jonas: Zur Geltendmachung der Mängelrechte vor bzw. nach Abnahme des Werks nach § 634 BGB, BGH, Urteil vom 19.01.2017 – VII ZR 235/15, in: EWiR 2017, S. 429 ff.
- Hangebrauck, Ralf / Jansen, Justus / Jonetzki, Antonius: Vermeidung und Beilegung von Streitigkeiten bei der Errichtung eines Offshore Windparks, in: Praxishandbuch Schnittstellenmanagement Offshore Wind, 2. Auflage, Hamburg, Oktober 2017.
- Jonetzki, Antonius / Singbartl, Jan: Zur Geltendmachung einer unentgeltlich abgetretenen Forderung durch Zedenten im Wege der gewillkürten Prozessstandschaft, in: EWiR 2016, S. 725 ff.
Jonetzki, Antonius: Rechtsrahmen innovativer Zahlungssysteme für das Internet – Am Beispiel von PayPal, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main 2010.