- Kapitalmarktrecht
- Bank- und Finanzrecht
- Gesellschaftsrecht
- Restrukturierung
- Sustainable Finance
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Ausbildung und beruflicher Werdegang
- Rechtsanwältin, zugelassen in Deutschland (2015) und Luxemburg (2017)
- Studium an der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg und an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- Referendariat am Kammergericht Berlin mit Stationen beim Bundesministerium der Justiz und beim Generalkonsulat der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Kapstadt, Südafrika
- Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit in zwei international tätigen Großkanzleien in Berlin in den Bereichen Insolvenz- und Kartellrecht
- Anwaltliche Tätigkeit in einer internationalen Großkanzlei in Frankfurt am Main mit Schwerpunkt im Bereich Corporate & Finance Litigation
- Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch
- Luxembourg Capital Markets Association (LuxCMA): Sustainable Finance Task Force
- Luxembourg Banking Law Lawyers Association (ALJB)
- Mössner, P. and Lindner, A. (2023). Luxembourg. The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guide – Luxembourg: Corporate Governance, 5th. ed. London: Legalease Ltd.
- Lindner A. and Carraretto, A. (2023). Corporate News: Mobility Directive soon to be transposed in Germany and Luxembourg. GSK Update. Available at: https://www.gsk-lux.com/en/corporate-news-mobility-directive-soon-to-be-transposed-in-germany-and-luxembourg/
- Lindner, A. (2022). Luxembourg. Gesellschaftsrecht quo vadis? Börsen-Zeitung, Sonderbeilage Finanzplatz Luxemburg, 23.11.2022, Nr. 226, B2.
- Mössner, P. and Lindner, A. (2022). Luxembourg. The International Comparative Legal Guide to Corporate Governance 2022, 15th ed. London: Global Legal Group, pp. 103-109.
- Mössner, P. and Lindner, A. (2022). Luxembourg. The Legal 500 Comparative Legal Guide – Luxembourg: Corporate Governance, 4th ed. London: Legalease Ltd.
- Mössner, P. and Lindner, A. (2021). Luxembourg. Warum der deutsche Immobiliensektor auf Luxemburg setzt. GoingPublic, December 2021, p. 48.
- Lindner, A. (2021). Luxembourg. Jahresabschluss 2.0 – Nachhaltigkeit im Fokus. Themenbeilage der Magazine FINANCE, DerTreasurer, dpn – September 2021, p. 22.
- Mössner, P. and Lindner, A. (2021). Luxembourg. Mondaq Comparative Guide to Corporate Governance, London: Mondaq Ltd, Chapter „Luxembourg“.
- Mössner, P. and Lindner, A. (2021). Luxembourg. The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Corporate Governance, 14th ed. London: Global Legal Group, Chapter 12, pp. 94-100.
- Mössner, P. and Lindner, A. (2021). Introducing the new sustainable finance measures of the EU Commission. GSK Update. Available at: https://www.gsk-lux.com/en/introducing-the-new-sustainable-finance-measures-of-the-eu-commission/
- Mössner, P. and Lindner, A. (2021). New Sustainability Reporting Obligations under the Taxonomy Regulation. GSK Update. Available at: https://www.gsk-lux.com/en/new-sustainability-reporting-obligations-under-the-taxonomy-regulation/
- Lindner, A. (2021). Luxembourg. Taxonomie-Verordnung läutet Zeitenwende ein. Börsen-Zeitung (17.04.2021), Nr. 73, S. B9.
- Mössner, P. and Lindner, A. (2020). Non-Financial and ESG Reporting: A New Era of Sustainability Reporting? GSK Update. Available at: https://www.gsk-lux.com/en/non-financial-and-esg-reporting-a-new-era-of-sustainability-reporting/
- Mössner, P. and Lindner, A. (2020). Cross-Border Conversions within the EU are bound for Change: Main Takeaways. GSK Update. Available at: https://www.gsk-lux.com/en/cross-border-conversions-within-the-eu-are-bound-for-change-main-takeaways/
- Mössner, P. and Lindner, A. (2020). Sustainability-Linked Bonds: Linking Business Strategy with Sustainability. GSK Update. Available at: https://www.gsk-lux.com/en/sustainability-linked-bonds-linking-business-strategy-with-sustainability/
- Lindner, A. (2020). Luxembourg. Highway to the debt zone: LEO – The Financial Centre’s Mag by Luxembourg for Finance, December 2020, pp. 23-27.
- Mössner, P. and Lindner, A. (2020). Luxembourg. Corporate Governance, 13th ed. London: Global Legal Group, pp. 136-142.
- Heinzmann, A. Mössner, P., Lindner, A. and Scollo, V. (2019). The new prospectus regime – Key changes for Luxembourg. GSK Update. Available at: https://www.gsk-lux.com/en/gsk-update-the-new-prospectus-regime-key-changes-for-luxembourg/
- toliarova, I. and Lindner, A. (2019). Sustainable Finance – The Green Revolution of (not only) the Financial Sector. GSK Update. Available at: https://www.gsk-lux.com/en/sustainable-finance-the-green-revolution-of-not-only-the-financial-sector-2/
- Mössner, P., Lindner, A. and Papagiannidi, C. (2019). Shareholders’ Rights Directive II: What is new for Luxembourg issuers? GSK Update. Available at: https://www.gsk-lux.com/en/shareholders-rights-directive-ii-what-is-new-for-luxembourg-issuers-2/